Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to 450!

The Bravely Obey 450!

It's my 450th blog post! I'm going to celebrate (clearly a word I use often) by taking a break from all this writing, and instead let someone else do the writing tonight! I love these little word clouds. This one courtesy of Tagexdo. They pull a random smattering of words from any site you want and drop them together into these pretty little pieces of word art. The bigger the word, the more often it shows up in my blog.

So I just want to say thank you for stopping by over here off and on for the last three years, reading and commenting and laughing at me (with me, at me, whichever, it's still a laugh.) I still love writing this thing and can't wait to write the next 450 posts. So stick around, I'd miss you if you left!


Snowfairy said...

I think you need to do some more entertaining, it's not nearly large enough.

I love reading about your exciting adventures in a part of the world I'd not otherwise get to see, thank you.

lanie@ plumb tuckered said...

congratulations! I'm looking forward to 450 more.

jastereo said...

Whoo Hoo!!! I absolutely can't believe it's 450.