Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday To Do List

  • Sleep in until at least 7:45am.
  • Read entire book while sitting on the deck with an iced coffee.
  • Vacuum house to remove insane amount of accumulated dog hair.
  • Give Joe grief for neglecting me all day as he photographs his own camera equipment and writes long, detailed dissertations for each piece he's selling on Craig's List and E-bay.
  • Celebrate the near end of the Olympics and a return to our normal bed times.
  • Swim, drink wine, get butter on chin from corn on the cob, talk about lofty fitness goals with friends over dinner and 1st grader math homework.
  • Learn that when a kid pukes in the pool, pool time is over.
  • End the night with an ice cream beverage and Netflix movie night tucked in bed, with Michael Fassbender on the screen. (not in the bed, just me in the bed.)
  • Realize that even though today was my rest day, I'm kind of looking forward to my first bike workout tomorrow. (Maybe exercise really is addictive?)
  • Wish you sweet dreams, and a lovely rest of your weekend.

1 comment:

EvalinaMaria said...

Have you done everything you'd plan?