Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Around the Block


I gazed out of my office window this morning, it was bright and sunny and 65 and I planned this wide angle, cinematic beautiful family meal photo on our deck. Joe and I romantically sharing grilled steaks and homemade guacamole, maybe some wine on a Wednesday. (I really don't drink wine that often, but last night's bottle was open and I don't want it to go bad!) And then around 4:30 it got really cloudy. And dark. And gloomy. And I realized this outside dinner dream shot wasn't gonna happen. Unless we wanted to wear rain slickers and eat under umbrellas. Wait, that would have been hilarious!

But instead I quick changed clothes, got the dog all riled up about going for a walk (he loses his cool about walks, running around in circles, knocking his head against my calves to hurry me along, tail wagging at hyper-speed cute) We started to head out, and then Joe got home. So I tortured the dog forcing him to wait for Joe. Then we walked around the block. Or should I say half way around the block. I took some photos, Joe walked the dog and popped out right behind my head attempting to photo bomb my shots. It was fun. Then it started raining. We quick cut our walk short and headed home. Time for those steaks, inside!

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