Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Broads of Summer

And we're back! Last December I had the pleasure of starting the Reverb Broads blogging group with the sardonically lovely Kristen. We pulled together more than 60 bloggers, mostly women with a few brave gentlemen thrown in, and we pooled together and crafted some thoughtful, goofy, funny and self reflective prompts for the month of December and then we wrote a lot, I mean a lot. So much so, that since December, I've hardly written a thing. It's as if I said everything I needed to last year.

Except we created a little gang of bloggers over here. And since we had such a blast writing throughout the month, meeting new friends, reading some amazing pieces, and just generally enjoying the power of the interwebs to connect us with writers all over the US, we thought, "Hey! Let's do that again. Let's get writing again!" And what better time to dive into some new writing than during the summer?

So starting June 1st kick off the summer with some fresh ideas, fresh insights and hopefully a lot of fresh, funny and fierce writing. So the Reverb Broads are back! I welcome all of you to join us. Just visit our official site here, and our Facebook page here. Add your name to our Google spreadsheet of participants here, grab one of the new summer badges below and add it to your blog to show you are a part of this wild gang of blogging broads. The first prompts are already posted on our site, so get writing! We can't wait to read what you have to share!

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