Why is this the one time a year that we get all riled up about making improvements for ourselves and then by February most of us have blown the majority of the lofty goals we've set? Why are we like this? All talk and no show? We eat all those extra cookies, we go out shopping and buy that new outfit instead of putting more money towards credit cards, plopping our butts on the couch and watching the last season of Lost and forgetting about our treadmill, lingering forlornly in the basement. Maybe it's just me. Maybe everyone of you out there is committed and diligent and dedicated to a new "you." But I'm betting on no. But "this year will be different" we tell ourselves. And that's the beauty and the deceit of the New Year's resolution. We all want these positive changes, we want to be smarter, healthier, happier, better people. But we lose focus, don't set little attainable goals, try to climb the mountain in one leap instead of taking small steps. So this New Year's Day, I think I'm just going to aim for being happy where I am, who I am right at this moment. At least for the day. So here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2010:
1. Drink more, and I don't mean water. I over-think and over-analyze, and get trapped in my own head. I hear alcohol helps with that.
2. Do more childish, frivolous stuff. Like sitting outside and making daisy necklaces, going to stupid movies, making prank phone calls, picking my nose and flinging it at people
3. Read comic books. I don't know why, that just sounds fun today. I like the drawings and the exaggerated way that women's bodies are portrayed. Plus shiny red boots are cool.
4. Tell people what I really think more often. I do this already but I'm stepping it up, watch out.
5. Tell more fibs. I lie now, white lies usually to get out of something unpleasant or protect someone's feelings, but maybe I'll get more dramatic and ridiculous with my lies. Like fake names and British accents when I'm grocery shopping.
6. Saying yes to pretty much any event or social activity I'm invited to attend.
7. Do touristy stuff in my own city. I need to tour this town like a woman wearing a fanny pack and comfy shoes.
8. Lemons
9. Talk less.
10. None of the above.
What are you resolving to do and then forgetting by February?